Islamic Prayer Times Ajman, UAE

prayer times ajman

Islamic Prayer times Ajman has been mentioned on this website as well as updated prayer timing can be found out through the table given below. While someone is traveling around the city or residing in Ajman, they can follow the table to keep an up with updated prayer times Ajman, UAE. Ajman is located near Sharjah. The majority of the people living in Ajman are Muslims while people from other religions also live here. Muslims around the city follow their religious rituals including prayers, which they usually perform in congregation in mosques following prayer times Ajman, UAE.

 Ajman offers endless possibilities to people interested in trade as it is considered to follow the economic trends and thus attracts numerous international firms. For all those people who come here for business, they should know that the prayer time Ajman are according to the time zone of Ajman and may differ a bit from other surrounding cities.

There are 5 compulsory prayers for every Muslim. Fujairah Prayer timings is close to prayer times in dubai and fujairah prayer time.

About Ajman City

The city offers numerous historical places for visitors as well as cultural attractions including some amazing mosques. While the archeological and other attractions are for people who are traveling, they can always use the mosques around the city to observe their prayers according to prayer times Ajman. Some other tourist attractions include Ajman national museum, Red fort, and the enclave of Manama.

Islamic Prayer Times Mehtods

MWL: Muslim World League

ISNA: Islamic Society of North America

Egypt: Egyptian General Authority of Survey

Makkah: Umm al-Qura University, Makkah

Karachi: University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi

Tehran: Institute of Geophysics, University of Tehran

Jafari: Shia Ithna Ashari (Ja`fari)

Monthly Islamic Prayer Times Ajman

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Time Format:

Ajman other Details : Latitude = 25.40611° N, Longitude = 55.44278° E Zone Time = GMT +04:00 hours

Asr Methods

Standard: Shafii, Maliki, Jafari and Hanbali (shadow factor = 1)

Hanafi: Hanafi school of tought (shadow factor = 2)